SHOW: Italian figurative artists of the twentieth century

Maurizio Magretti exhibits at the Collective Exhibition “Italian figurative artists of the twentieth century” organized by the Accademia dei Disuniti in Pisa with the patronage of the City of Pisa.

25 november /
10 december 2016


Mostra Artisti figurativi italiani del Novecento




MONACO Yacht Show

Maurizio Magretti is present at MONACO YACHT SHOW 2016. Monaco Yacht Show is the only annual event in the world to discover the best super yachts. Maurizio Magretti  is dedicated to paintings and decorations on yachts.

Monaco Yacht Show 2016

28 september /
1 october 2016

Monaco Yacht Show 2016




International Design Exhibition UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

Maurizio Magretti will be present at INDEX.

23 – 26 MAY 2016,
HALLS 1- 8 &


Maurizio Magretti has been present at LUXURY & YACHTS , 8th INTERNATIONAL LUXURY SALON “Autumn Edition”, which was held in Vicenza in the Fiera district.

Designed in 2003 by the Vicenza entrepreneur, Luciano Coin, boats, helicopters, jewelery, cars are exhibited every year.

Maurizio Magretti presented the paintings he did and it is possible to do on luxury yachts and boats.

Here is an example of ceiling decoration on a private yacht.

18 – 21 November 2010,
Vicenza Fair (Italy)


Maurizio Magretti - decoration on a private yacht

decoration on a private yacht

Maurizio Magretti - decoration on a private yacht

decoration on a private yacht




Maurizio Magretti participated in the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver with a representative work of ice skating discipline.

2010_Winter_Olympics_logo Here are some pictures of the ceremony “CASA ITALIA CONI”.

12 – 28 February 2010,
Vancouver (Canada)


vancouver02 vancouver01 vancouver04 vancouver03